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교육 문제
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- 괴롭힘/따돌림(HIB)
- Complaints and Processes
- 징계, 정학 및 퇴학
- 차별
Education Advocacy
- Forming Partnerships with Schools
- Understanding the Public School System
- Communication
- Resolving Conflict with Schools
- Preparing Yourself for Meetings
- Keeping Records
- Organizing an Education Notebook
- Hearings
- Action Points to Advocate for Your Student
- Sample Letter to Confirm a Phone Conversation with School Staff
- Sample Letter to Request School Records for Your Student
- 입학
- 가족 및 지역 사회 참여
- Highly Capable Programs
- 수감된 부모
- 언어 접근
- 5 개 중 하나 : 장애 이력 및 자존심 프로젝트
- Online Schools
- 기회 갭
- 학생의 구속과 격리
- 학교 선택/편입
- 노숙자 신분의 학생 지원
장애 학생을위한 지원
- Introduction to Special Education
- 특수 교육이란 무엇인가요?
- The Role of Parents under IDEA and Strategies for Non-Parent
- 학생은 특수 교육을 어떻게 시작하나요?
- Qualification for IDEA Services
- An Overview of Section 504
- Individualized Education Program(IEP, 개별 교육 프로그램)
- What are Accommodations and Modifications?
- Prior Written Notice (PWN)
- Functional Behavioral Assessments & Behavior Intervention Plans(FBA & BIP, 기능적 행동 평가 및 행동 중재 계획)
- School Discipline Rules for Students with Disabilities
- Transition Services for Students with Disabilities (Ages 16-22)
- Special Education Dispute Resolution
- 특수 교육 링크 및 자료
- 교통
- 세계 언어 학점 프로그램
- About Us